15–16 Oct 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Course Material


The course material refers to the previous edition of the course.

It will be updated shortly before / in the morning of the course.


The exercise material will be available directly on VSC-5 
(there is no need to upload the zip files).

Introduction to GPU computing with CUDA      
notes-l1.pdf     &     notes-ho1.pdf     &     hands-on-1.zip

Memory hierarchies in CPU/GPU architectures      
notes-l2.pdf     &     notes-ho2.pdf     &     hands-on-2.zip

Tutorial 1      
notes-t1.pdf     &     tutorial-1.zip

CUDA SDK basic concepts      
notes-l3.pdf     &     notes-ho3.pdf     &     hands-on-3.zip

CUDA SDK libraries, numerical accuracy      
notes-l4.pdf     &     notes-ho4.pdf     &     hands-on-4.zip

Tutorial 2      
notes-t2.pdf     &     tutorial-2.zip