18–24 Aug 2024
IT4Innovations, Ostrava, Czechia
Europe/Vienna timezone

Agenda & Content


To foster community spirit, we have planned several social events throughout the program, including a Welcome Party, a visit to the Planetarium, and a day trip to the picturesque mountains of Beskydy.


Saturday, 17 August 2024

Arrival of students and check-in to the hotel


Sunday, 18 August 2024

Summer School Welcome Event at IT4Innovations

12:00  Lunch
13:30Introduction of the school program, practical information
14:00Introduction of the organizers
 --> IT4I
 --> VSC
 --> MathWorks
 --> EUMaster4HPC
15:00Coffee break
15:30Guided tours around IT4I’s infrastructure
16:30Teambuilding activities
18:00Welcome reception
21:00End of the day


Monday, 19 August 2024

09:00  Accessing and using IT4I clusters
 --> First login
 --> How to get your data to the cluster
 --> How to log in to the cluster and prepare a computation environment
 --> How to submit computational jobs
10:30Coffee break
11:00Introduction to Data Science
12:30Lunch break
13:30Coding challenge part 1
15:00Coffee break
15:30Coding challenge part 2
17:00End of the day


Tuesday, 20 August 2024

09:00  Introduction to R
 --> What is R and when to consider using it?
 --> Basic data types
 --> Programming styles in R
 --> Very short introduction into tidyverse
10:30Coffee break
10:45Exploratory Data Analysis with R
 --> How to get basic understanding of data
 --> Explore and handle missing values and outliers
 --> Clean up messy data
 --> Visualization of basic relationships
12:15Lunch break
13:15Modelling with R
 --> Introduction to modelling with tidy models packages
 --> Creation of basic ML pipeline
 --> An end-to-end example with XGBoost
15:00Coffee break
15:15Parallelization in R
 --> Local machine parallelization
 --> Differences of parallelization on Windows and UNIX OS
 --> Multi-node parallelization
 --> Simple multi-node example in data science workflow
17:00End of the day


Wednesday, 21 August 2024

09:00 Challenge Reports: 1st cohort of EUMaster4HPC students
10:30Coffee break
10:45Dask, Numba, Ray: Parallelise the lazy way
11:30Fast, faster, NumPy: Why is the popular library hard to beat?
12:00Numerical computations on a GPU: Which tool does the best job?
12:30Lunch break
13:30Data analysis in Python: Pandas, Polars and the rest of the zoo
15:00Coffee break
15:15Data visualization: Insightful and pretty?!
16:30Quiz & Recap
17:30Leaving from the hotel to the Planetarium
17:30Social event at Planetarium


Thursday, 22 August 2024

09:00 ML intro: Welcome to weight watching
09:30 Scikit-Learn: Get to know a living fossil
09:45 Regression vs Classification: What’s your problem?
10:00 Data pre-processing: Visualize, clean, transform
10:30Coffee break
10:45Prominent ML algorithms: SVMs, Decision Trees, K-nearest neighbors & ensemble methods
11:00Evaluation: Which model performed best?
11:30Hyperparameters: Twiddle the knobs and dials
12:00Scaling Scikit-Learn: Dask and RAPIDS to the rescue
12:30Lunch break
13:30Neural Networks: Dive in at the deep (learning) end
14:15Tensorflow & Keras: The easy way to become an architect
15:00Coffee break
15:15Convolutional Neural Networks: Give your computer a vision
16:15Distributed Training: Sharing the burden
16:45Outlook on Transformers: Welcome to the future
17:00End of the day


Friday, 23 August 2024

09:00 Writing fast and efficient MATLAB code
 --> 1000x speed-up: Exploring the MATLAB performance landscape
 --> Code profiler and best practices
 --> Parallelizing MATLAB code: From desktop to HPC and cloud
 --> GPU computing in MATLAB
10:30Coffee break
10:45Big Data Analysis with MATLAB
 --> Reading big data, using parquet files
 --> Datatypes for big data (datastores, tall arrays)
 --> Downstream analysis of big data: “needle in the haystack”-analysis, “for each”-analysis, “across all”-analysis
 --> Interoperability
12:15Lunch break
13:15onwards hands-on work
 --> Choose a project that fits your interests. Projects will introduce additional MATLAB functionality in the areas of large scale HPC, Deep Learning, Image Processing, and Signal Analysis.
15:00Coffee break
15:15From coding to cluster – scaling up MATLAB on HPC
 --> Sending jobs to a remote HPC cluster from the MATLAB environment
 --> Training AI model on a GPU without learning CUDA
 --> Multi-node parallelization
 --> NEW! MATLAB and Quantum Computing
17:00End of the day


Saturday, 24 August 2024

Trip to Pustevny


Sunnday, 25 August 2024
