25–27 Sept 2024
Perth, Australia
Australia/Perth timezone
EuroMPI/Australia 2024 – Registration is open – Call for Posters and Short Papers (not in proceedings) is open

Call for Posters

EuroMPI/Australia 2024 invites submissions for posters and short papers that showcase innovative contributions related to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and related or competing models. We welcome contributions from both academia and industry, including early-stage work that presents new ideas, interesting preliminary results, or new directions for research.

Posters and short papers provide an excellent opportunity to present your work to the community, receive constructive feedback, and establish collaborations with researchers and practitioners in the field of parallel programming.

MAKE A SUBMISSION(using the EasyChair Conference Management System)

Important Dates

Short Papers and Posters Submission Deadline (extended)Friday,   2 August 2024 (AoE)
Short Papers and Posters Acceptance NotificationsFriday, 30 August 2024 (AoE)

We encourage submissions from users, developers, and researchers from all areas of message-passing parallel programming, including but not limited to:

  • Use Cases:
    • MPI in applications, showcasing its potential to enable new research in various domain sciences
    • Performance evaluations of MPI on various payloads
    • Possible limitations of MPI for specific use cases
    • Comparison with alternative approaches (PGAS, DSLs, etc.)
  • Programmability:
    • MPI and heterogeneous programming
    • Challenges and opportunities with new networking hardware
    • New interfaces for MPI
    • Testing of MPI programs
  • Dynamic Processes:
    • Challenges and opportunities of dynamicity/malleability in MPI
    • Usage of MPI in workflows
  • Tools, Models, and Monitoring:
    • Tools and approaches for profiling and monitoring MPI programs
    • Performance models and algorithms studies linked with MPI
    • New introspection and profiling interfaces

All submissions will undergo a peer-review process, with each submission for short papers and posters receiving at least two reviews. The reviews are single-blind and the names of the authors will be seen by the reviewers.

Selected short papers can be included in the conference proceedings. All other accepted short papers and posters will be published informally on the website, but are not intended to appear in the proceedings. Even without inclusion in the proceedings, we consider short presentations and posters to be a good way to present early work to the community, which can lead to discussions, constructive feedback, and collaboration opportunities.

Accepted posters will be presented during the poster session at EuroMPI/Australia 2024, providing an excellent opportunity for networking and discussions with the conference attendees.


Submitted short papers and posters should follow LNCS Guidelines and obey the Authors' Code of Conduct.

Submitted short papers should be 6–11 pages (selected short papers can be included in the conference proceedings, but not all short papers will appear in the proceedings; submissions received after 14 June 2024 (paper submission deadline) will not be considered for inclusion in the proceedings).

Posters should be submitted for review in the form of extended abstracts with 3–6 pages.

Note that at least one of the authors of each full paper, short paper, or poster accepted for presentation must be registered for EuroMPI/Australia 2024.

MAKE A SUBMISSION(using the EasyChair Conference Management System)

Committees (Chairs and Program Committee)