DAY 1 – Monday, 12 May 2025
--------- | Welcome |
08:45 | Join in |
09:00 | Welcome, Motivation & Introduction |
09:15 | Introduction to HPC and VSC |
--------- | Python usage on HPC systems |
10:00 | Module & Spack |
10:30 | -- BREAK -- |
10:45 | Virtual env |
11:15 | Conda |
12:00 | -- LUNCH BREAK -- |
13:00 | Apptainer (Singularity) |
13:30 | Slurm refresher |
14:15 | Slurm with module/spack, venv, conda & Apptainer |
14:45 | -- BREAK -- |
--------- | Debugging, benchmarking & profiling |
15:00 | Debugging |
15:30 | Benchmarking & time measurements |
16:00 | Q & A |
16:30 | End of first day |
DAY 2 – Wednesday, 14 May 2025
08:45 | Join in |
--------- | Debugging, Benchmarking & Profiling continued |
09:00 | Built-in profiling tools |
10:15 | -- BREAK -- |
10:30 | Other profiling tools |
--------- | Single-node parallelization & optimization |
11:15 | Introduction to parallelization |
11:30 | Integrating native code & libraries in Python |
12:00 | -- LUNCH BREAK -- |
13:00 | Cython |
13:30 | Numba |
14:15 | -- BREAK -- |
14:30 | Dask |
15:45 | Q & A |
16:00 | End of second day |
DAY 3 – Friday, 16 May 2025
08:45 | Join in |
--------- | Frameworks for multi-node parallelization |
09:00 | Introduction to multi-node |
09:15 | mpi4py |
10:45 | -- BREAK -- |
11:00 | Slurm & MPI |
11:30 | Dask distributed |
12:00 | -- LUNCH BREAK -- |
--------- | Python on GPUs |
13:00 | Numba on GPUs |
14:00 | -- BREAK -- |
14:10 | RAPIDS |
15:10 | -- BREAK -- |
15:20 | Benchmarking and profiling code for GPUs |
16:00 | Q & A |
16:30 | End of third day / End of course |