29–30 Apr 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Login (pre-assignment)

The pre-assignment for the OpenMP course is to login to vsc4.

We do that to not loose precious time during the course and to make sure that we do have your correct mobile phone number which is needed for the two-factor authentication enforced with login to all VSC systems.


Please see the two emails that were sent on ...WILL BE SENT ON 23 April 2024 ( – )... to all registered participants:

  • ACCESS DETAILS - Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP, April 29-30, 2024 
    Zoom link, Survey link 
  • VSC login - Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP, April 29-30, 2024 
    Your username and password (ID), including a description what to do


Login with:

username:     trainee##   ( ## ➠ ID )

password:     ...........##   (see email)


Login via browser – the easiest way without any restrictions:


Login with your username and password (see email).

After entering your (correct) password, you'll be asked for your OTP: 
The OTP is a one-time password sent as an SMS to your mobile phone.

Before the course:  
   Please "Logout" in the upper right corner of your browser window, do not hit the red "Start" button before the course starts.

During the course: 
   Feel free to hit the red "Start" button with the provided default setting. 
   Once your server is up and running, open a "Terminal" and shorten the prompt with (copy with your mouse): 
        export PS1='[\u \[\033[1;31m\]\h\[\033[0;32m\] \[\033[0;32m\]\[\033[0m\]]\$ ' 
   At the end of the course please shut down your server properly: 
        In the upper left corner use File --> Hub Control Panel and then click "Stop my Server". 
        After that please "Logout" in the upper right corner of your browser window.


Login from a terminal window on your Linux or Mac device or Windows Power Shell. 
Alternatively, if you are on Windows you can install and use PuTTY (see screenshots).


SSH login – if you are in the IP range of a VSC partner university 
(either physically OR via a jump host OR via VPN):

ssh trainee##@vsc4.vsc.ac.at

If you use Windows together with PuTTY please enter (see screenshot): 
   HostName: vsc4.vsc.ac.at 
   Port: 22 
   Connection type: SSH 
   Open --> in terminal - login as: trainee##

You'll be asked for your password: 
Note, the password will be invisible when you type it.

After entering your (correct) password, you'll be asked for your OTP: 
The OTP is a one-time password sent as an SMS to your mobile phone.

After entering your (correct) OTP you will see a welcome message and a 
prompt and you can leave vsc4 by typing: 


SSH login – if you do not belong to a VSC partner university 
(this option works for trainee users only):

ssh -t trainee##@vmos.vsc.ac.at vsc4

If you use Windows together with PuTTY please enter (see screenshot): 
   HostName: vmos.vsc.ac.at 
   Port: 22 
   Connection type: SSH 
   Left menu --> SSH --> Remote command: vsc4 
   Open --> in terminal - login as: trainee##

You'll be asked for your password twice (on vmos and on vsc4): 
Note, the password will be invisible when you type it.

After entering your (correct) password twice, you'll be asked for your OTP: 
The OTP is a one-time password sent as an SMS to your mobile phone.

After entering your (correct) OTP you will see a welcome message and a 
prompt and you can leave vsc4 by typing: 


With a successful first login (with any of the above methods) you are good to go and enjoy the OpenMP course!


Please write an email to training@vsc.ac.at if you are experiencing any problems with login or accessing vsc4 or if you need any further assistance (please also include your mobile phone number with the international dial prefix as this is one of the most likely problems).