16 January 2025
Europe/Vienna timezone

Start date:  16 Jan 2025, 09:00 (CET)     Entry level:  Basic
End date:  16 Jan 2025, 17:00 (CET)     Subject area:  HPC literacy
Location:  ONLINE (Zoom)     Topics:  SLURM, modules, spack
Language:  English     Target audience:  Academia, industry, public sector
Price:  Free    Organizer:  VSC

In this course we will help you getting started on the VSC clusters, Austria's most powerful supercomputers. We'll focus on using the VSC clusters and especially their queuing system efficiently.

With running and developing software on a supercomputer there are many similarities and fewer but crucial differences compared to your desktop PC. Focusing on hands-on teaching throughout the course, you will immediately try out what you've heard and adapt it to your own needs.

This course is from beginners level (the first steps on a supercomputer) to intermediate level (some experience on VSC or any other computing cluster) and equally relevant to those who will merely be running existing software as to those who will develop scientific codes (however, without actually teaching supercomputer programming – if you would like to learn parallel programming, please refer to our MPI, OpenMP, or CUDA courses).

Agenda & Content

See Agenda & Content in the left menu for a detailed timetable and course content.

Entry level



Know how to work on the Linux command line   
Know how to login to a remote Linux machine   
Otherwise please take our Linux course prior to this course

Target audience

Course for academia, industry, and public administration.

Course format

This course will be delivered as a LIVE ONLINE COURSE (using Zoom).

Hands-on labs

All participants will get a temporary user account on the VSC to do the hands-on labs.

You will use your own laptop or workstation to connect to VSC and do the hands-on exercises. If you use Windows please install the following software packages prior to the course: PuTTY and FileZilla or winscp.

Accepted participants will be contacted a few days before the course and asked to do a short PRE-ASSIGNMENT that has to be completed before the course starts.


Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien and EuroCC Austria)

Markus Hickel (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)

Siegfried Höfinger (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)

Moritz Siegel (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)

Jan Zabloudil (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)



Date, time, and location

16.01.2025, 09:00 – 17:00 CET, LIVE ONLINE COURSE (using Zoom)

Prices and eligibility

This training is free of charge and open for users (or soon to be users) of the VSC clusters only.


The registration form and deadlines are available from the left menu. The registration form might close even before the deadline if the number of registrations has reached its maximum (and will open again if there are cancelations).

Please register with your official email address to prove your affiliation.

You will get an automatic confirmation via email (subject starting with "[Indico] Registration"), please check your Spam/Junk folders.

Following your successful registration, you will receive further information approximately 1 week before the course.


After the number of registrations has reached its maximum or the registration form has been closed, you may want to send us an email stating that you are interested to be put on the waiting list (vacancies may occur due to cancelations, etc.).

To be able to do the hands-on labs on the VSC please provide your full international mobile-phone number for the two-factor authentication required to login to the VSC systems.

Modification, withdrawal & no-show policy

Your registration is binding. Please only register for the course if you are really going to attend.

You can update your registration data or withdraw your registration anytime before the registration form has been closed via the link "Manage my registration" which you can find at the bottom of your automatic email confirmation (subject starting with "[Indico] Registration").

Alternatively, or after the registration form has been closed, please inform us about your cancelation or any change in your registration data (especially your mobile-phone number) via email (training@vsc.ac.at).

No-show policy: If you do not cancel and do not show up at the course you will be blacklisted and excluded from future training events.


This course is organized by the VSC Research Center, TU Wien.
